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<a href=/renwu/3665.html target=_blank class=infotextkey><a href=/renwu/29159.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>王德真</a></a>(<a href=/chaodai/tang.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>唐朝</a>宰相)

王德真,大连理工大学物理与光电工程学院教授。主要研究大气压等离子体放电,以及托克马克(可控核聚变装置)边界等离子体与器壁相互作用。现已发表了学术论文上百篇。边界等离子体与器壁相互作用及大气压放电小组(PSI&APD group of DLUT)负责人。


1977. 7~1978. 3  辽宁省岫岩县牧牛公社,下乡知青

1978. 3~1982. 1  大连工学院(后更名为大连理工大学)物理系,学生

1982. 1~1987. 7  大连理工大学物理系,助教(在职研究生)

1987. 7~1991. 12 大连理工大学物理系,讲师

1991.12~1993.12  大连理工大学物理系,副教授

1993.12~ 至今  大连理工大学物理系,教授

1995.10~1997. 8  国际理论物理研究中心(简称ICTP,意大利)

International Centre for Theoretical Physics,访问学者

2000.11~2006.9 大连理工大学物理系系主任

2006.9~ 2009.10 大连理工大学物理与光电工程学院 执行院长

2002.11~  《Plasma Science and Technology》 杂志编委

2002.8~ 辽宁省物理学会 副理事长




《Plasma Science & Technology》编委



17.2013.1-2016.12, 国家自然科学基金项目,“托卡马克边界等离子体及氢同位素在器壁中滞留模拟研究”,负责人

16. 2010.1-2012.12,边界等离子体输运及壁材料热载性能研究,负责人

15. 2008.4-2012.10,国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目(课题),等离子体与壁材料相互作用及中性束加热几个重要问题研究,课题负责人

14. 2008.1-2010.12,国家自然科学基金项目,大气压放电冷等离子体炬及其沉积多晶硅薄膜研究,项目负责人

13. 2006.1-2009.12,国家自然科学基金重点项目,“大气压辉光放电机理研究”

12. 2006.1-2008.12,国家自然科学基金海外青年合作基金项目,“放电理论与放电等离子体”,国内合作者

11. 2005.1-2007.12,国家自然科学基金项目,“大气压辉光放电等离子体的产生机制及稳态控制”,项目负责人

10. 2003.1-2006.12,辽宁省学科拔尖人才基金项目,项目负责人

9. 2003.1-2005.12,国家自然科学基金项目,“均匀大气压辉光放电等离子体产生机理研究”,项目负责人

8. 1999.1-2001.12,国家自然科学基金项目,“尘埃粒子与低气压等离子体鞘层相互作用”,项目负责人

7. 1999.1-2001.12,高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目 ,“微电子器件加工中尘埃粒子形成及与等离子体互作用研究”, 项目负责人

6. 1999.1-2001.12,教育部重点科学技术项目 ,“强耦合尘埃等离子体的基本过程研究”,项目负责人

5. 2000.1-2001.12,教育部骨干教师计划项目 ,“超音速气固两相流制备功能涂层机理研究”,项目负责人

4. 1996.1-2000.12,辽宁省自然科学基金项目 , “新材料表面改性方法—冷喷涂技术的研究与应用”,项目负责人

3. 1994.1-1998.12, 国家重大基金项目, 微波等离子体鞘层机理研究”,理论方面负责人

2. 1992.5-1995.5,“863”高技术青年基金项目 ,“等离子体源离子注入几个关键问题的研究”,主要承担者

1.1994.1-1996.7,国家自然科学基金项目, “鞘层的时空演化特性及其与固体表面的相互作用”,理论方面负责人








146. Shuyu Dai, A. Kirschner, Jizhong Sun, D. Tskhakaya and Dezhen Wang*,Modelling of surface roughness effects on impurity erosion and deposition in TEXTOR with a code package SURO/ERO/SDPIC,Nucl. Fusion 54 (2014) 123015

145. Wen Yan, Fucheng Liu, Chaofeng Sang, and Dezhen Wang*, Two-dimensional numerical study of two counter-propagating helium plasma jets in air at atmospheric pressure, Physics of Plasmas 21, 063505 (2014)

144. Wen Yan, Fucheng Liu, Chaofeng Sang, and Dezhen Wang*, Two-dimensional modeling of the cathode sheath formmation during the streamer-cathode interaction, Physics of Plasmas 21, 013504 (2014)

143. Wanpeng Hu, Chaofeng Sang, Tengfei Tang, Dezhen Wang*, Ming Li, Dazhi Jin, and Xiaohua Tan, Computational study of ion beam extraction phenomena through multiple apertures, Physics of Plasmas 21, 033510 (2014)

142. Hailong Du, Chaofeng Sang, Liang Wang, Xavier Bonnin,Jizhong Sun, Dezhen Wang*, Numerical simulation of the energy deposition evolution on divertortarget during type-III ELMy H-mode in EAST using SOLPS, Fusion Engineering and Design 89 (2014) 2461–2466

141. Yanli Li, Jizhong Sun, Yipo Zhang, Chaofeng Sang, Na Wu, Dezhen Wang*, Simulation of runaway electron generation and diffusion duringmajor disruptions in the HL-2A tokamak, Fusion Engineering and Design 89 (2014) 1019–1023

140. Chaofeng Sang, Jizhong Sun, Xavier Bonnin, Liang Wang, Hailong Du,Yan Huang, Dezhen Wang*, Modelling of hydrogen isotope retention in the tungsten divertorof EAST during ELMy H-mode, Fusion Engineering and Design 89 (2014) 2214–2219

139. Chaofeng Sang, Jizhong Sun , Xavier Bonnin , Shuyu Dai, Wanpeng Hu, Dezhen Wang*, Numerical study of the effects of physical parameters on the dynamic fuel retention in tungsten materials, Journal of Nuclear Materials 455(2014)111-115

138. Sang Chao-Feng, Dai Shu-Yu, Sun Ji-Zhong, Bonnin Xavier, Xu Qian, Ding Fang, and Wang De-Zhen*, Effects of some parameters on the divertor plasma sheath characteristics and fuel retention in castellated tungsten tile gaps, Chin. Phys. B Vol. 23, No. 11 (2014) 115201

137. Shuyu Dai, A Kirschner, D Matveev, D Borodin, C Bjorkas, Jizhong Sun, and Dezhen Wang* Modelling of local carbon deposition on a rough test limiter exposed to the edge plasma of TEXTOR, Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 55, 055004(2013)

136. Chaofeng Sang, Jizhong Sun, Xavier Bonnin, Houyang Guo, and Dezhen Wang*, Simulation of hydrogen isotope retention in the gap of tungsten divertor tiles, Journal of Nuclear Materials 438, S1129(2013)

135. Chaofeng Sang, Jizhong Sun, Xavier Bonnin, Shengguang Liu, Dezhen Wang*, Numerical simulation of the bubble growth due to hydrogen isotopes inventory processes in plasma-irradiated tungsten, Journal of Nuclear Materials 443, 403(2013)

134. Jiao Zhang, Yanhui Wang, Liping Duo, Guofu Li, Dezhen Wang*, Numerical study of He/CF 3I pulsed discharge used to produce iodine atom in chemical oxygen-iodine laser, Physics of Plasmas 20, 043513(2013)

133. Dingzong Zhang, Yanhui Wang, and Dezhen Wang∗, The transition mechanism from a symmetric single period discharge to a period-doubling discharge in atmospheric helium dielectric-barrier discharge, Physics of Plasmas 20, 063504(2013)

132. Jiao Zhang, Yanhui Wang, Dezhen Wang*, Numerical simulation of torus breakdown to chaos in an atmospheric-pressure dielectric barrier discharge, Physics of Plasmas 20, 082315(2013)

131. Dingzong Zhang, Yanhui Wang, and Dezhen Wang?, Radial behavior of the pulsed dielectric-barrier discharge in atmospheric helium, Physics of Plasmas 19, 123511(2012)

130. Fucheng Liu, Dingzong Zhang, Dezhen Wang*, The influence of air on streamer propagation in atmospheric pressure cold plasma jets, Thin Solid Films 521, 261-264(2012)

129. Muyang Qian, Qianqian Fan, Chunsheng Ren, Dezhen Wang*, Dual-power electrodes atmospheric pressure argon plasma jet: Effect of driving frequency (60-130kHz) on discharge characteristics, Thin Solid Films 521, 265-269(2012)

128. Shuyu Dai, Chaofeng Sang, Jizhong Sun, and Dezhen Wang? A Kinetic Code System to Study Impurity Deposition and Fuel Retention in Gaps Between Divertor Tiles, Contrib. Plasma Phys. 52, No. 4, 309 – 316 (2012)

127. Shuyu Dai, Chaofeng Sang, Shengguang Liu, Jizhong Sun, Dezhen Wang?, Investigations of the origins of deposited carbon species in gaps between divertor tiles using a kinetic code system, Fusion Engineering and Design 87 (2012) 782–786

126. Dingzhong Zhang, Yanhui Wang, Jizhong Sun, and Dezhen Wang?, Two-dimensional numerical study of a period-two dielectric-barrier discharge in atmospheric argon, Physics of Plasmas 19, 043503(2012)

125. Chaofeng Sang, Xavier Bonnin, Manoj Warrier, Abha Rai, Ralf Schneider, Jizhong Sun, Dezhen Wang?, “Modelling of hydrogen isotope inventory in mixed materials including porous deposited layers in fusion devices,” Nucl. Fusion 52 (2012) 043003 (pp13).

124. Qi Wang, Jizhong Sun, and Dezhen Wang, Simulation of self-organized pattern in atmospheric pressure barrier discharge driven by pulse-modulated RF voltage, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 40(1), 35(2012)

123. Mu-Yang Qian, Chun-Sheng Ren, De-Zhen Wang, Qian-Qian Fan, Qiu-Yue Nie,,Xiao-Qiong Wen, and Jia-Liang Zhang,, Investigations on an Atmospheric Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Jet With a Concentric Wire-Mesh Cylinder Electrode Configuration, IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci.40(4), 1134-1140(APRIL 2012)

122. Chaofeng Sang,Jizhong Sun,Dezhen Wang,Kinetic study of plasmabehavior and its effect on plasma facing surface in the castellated tile gap.Journal of Nuclear Material. 415 (2011) S204–S207.

121. S. Dai,J. Sun,C. Sang and D. Wang,Modellingof Carbon Erosion and Transport at Divertor Target Plate Using a Suite of Codes,Contributions to Plasma physics 51⑼ 844.

120. Shou-Zhe Li,Qi Wu,Jialiang Zhang,Dezhen Wang,Han S. Uhm,Discharge characteristics ofa radio-frequency capacitively coupled Ar/O2glow discharge atatmospheric pressure,Thin Solid Films,Volume 519,Issue 20,1 August2011,Pages 6990-6993.

119. Juan Zhuang,Jizhong Sun,Dezhen Wang,Chaofeng Sang,LiyingLiu,Modeling of highfrequency atmospheric pressure Ar/H2/SiH4glow discharges,Thin Solid Films,Volume 519,Issue 20,1 August 2011,Pages 7014-7019.

118. Jiao Zhang,Yanhui Wang,Dezhen Wang,Nonlinear behaviors in apulsed dielectric barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure,Thin SolidFilms,Volume 519,Issue 20,1 August 2011,Pages 7020-7024.

117. Jizhong Sun,Shengguang Liu,Thomas Stirner,Dezhen Wang,Dynamic Monte Carlo simulationof film–substrate interface mixing in the deposition of Co on Cu (001),SurfaceScience Volume 605,Issues 13-14,July 2011,Pages 1298-1303.

116. Li Shou-Yang Sun Ji-Zhong Zhang Zhi-Hai Liu Sheng-Guang WangDe-Zhen,Moleculardynamics simulation of energy exchange during hydrogen collision with graphitesheet containing a vacancy,Acta Phys. Sin. Vol 60,No.5 (2011) 057901.

115. Shengguang Liu,Jizhong Sun,Shuyu Dai,Dezhen Wang,Dynamic Monte-Carlomodeling of thermal desorption of H2from H+irradiatedgraphite,Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B:Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms,Volume 269,Issue 4,15 February2011,Pages 431-436.

114. Guo Qing-Chao; Zhang Jia-Liang; Liu Li-Ying; Wang De-Zhen,Characterizationon the temperature of radio frequency argon capacitive discharge modetransition at atmospheric pressure,Acta Phys. Sin. Vol 60,No.2 (2011)025207.

113. Shou-Zhe Li,Qi Wu,Dezhen Wang,Han S. Uhm,Breakdown mechanism ofan atmospheric-pressure radio-frequency capacitive argon discharge inparallel-plate bare metal electrodes,Physics Letters A,Volume 375,Issue3,17 January 2011,Pages 598-600.

112. Shang Wan-Li,Zhang Yuan-Tao,Wang De-Zhen,Sang Chao-Feng,Jiang Shao-En,Yang Jia-Min,Liu Shen-Ye and M. G. Kong,Concentric-ringstructures in an atmospheric pressure helium dielectric barrier discharge,ChinesePhys. B 20 015201 (2011).

111. Chaofeng Sang,Jizhong Sun,Dezhen Wang,Effect of magneticfield on characteristics of divertor plasma and divertor erosion rate: PICsimulation,Fusion Engineering and Design,85,1941 (2010)

110. Qingmei Xiao,Jiahong Liu,Zhi Yao,Dezhen Wang,Hongbin Ding,Characterization ofdusts and impurities from the interaction between the first wall materials andenergetic laser beams,Fusion Engineering and Design,85,2165 (2010)

109. Lue Xiao-Gui; Ren Chun-Sheng; Ma Teng-Cai; Zhu Hai-Long; QianMu-Yang; Wang De-Zhen,Influenceof quartz tube on the nanosecond pulsed discharge in a cone-to-plane air gap,Actc Physica Sinica,59,7917 (2010)

108. Fucheng Liu,Dingzong Zhang,and Dezhen Wang,Gas flow effects on thesubmicrosecond pulsed atmospheric pressure glow discharges,Phys. Plasmas17,103508 (2010).

107. Jizhong Sun,Xiantao Li,Chaofeng Sang,Wei Jiang,PengyunZhang,and Dezhen Wan,Particle-in-cellsimulation of hydrogen discharge driven by combined radio frequency and pulsesources,Phys. Plasmas 17,103505 (2010).

106. Qian Muyang,Ren Chunsheng,Wang Dezhen,Feng Yan and ZhangJialiang,AtmosphericPressure Cold Argon/Oxygen Plasma Jet Assisted by Preionization of SyringeNeedle Electrode,Plasma Sci. Technol. 12,561.

105. Shengguang Liu,Jizhong Sun,Shuyu Dai,Thomas Stirner,andDezhen Wang,A generalmodel for chemical erosion of carbon materials due to low-energy H(+) impact,J. Appl. Phys. 108,073302 (2010).

104. Kunlei Wang,Wenchun Wang,Dezheng Yang,Yan Huo,Dezhen Wang,Surface modification ofpolypropylene non-woven fabric using atmospheric nitrogen dielectric barrierdischarge plasma,Applied Surface Science 256,6859-6864 (2010).

103. Du Mu,Zheng Yaru,Fan Yujia,Zhang Nan,Liu Chengsen and WangDezhen,Modeling ofPulsed Direct-Current Glow Discharge,Plasma Sci. Technol. 12,447 (2010)

102. Jizhong Sun,Chaofeng Sang,Thomas Stirner and Dezhen Wang,Characteristics ofplasma immersion ion implantation with a nanosecond rise-time pulse:particle-in-cell simulations,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys.43275201 (2010)

101. Dezheng Yang,Wenchun Wang,Kunlei Wang,Feng Liu,Dezhen Wang,Spatially resolvedspectra of excited particles in homogeneous dielectric barrier discharge inhelium at atmospheric pressure,Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular andBiomolecular Spectroscopy,76,224-229(2010)

100. Liu Cheng-Sen,Wang De-Zhen,Fan Yu-Jia,Zhang Nan,Guan Li andYao Yuan,Non-Uniformityof Ion Implantation in Direct-Current Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation,ChinesePhys. Lett. 27 075201 (2010)

99. Shou-Zhe Li,Qi Wu,Jialiang Zhang,Dezhen Wang,and Han S. Uhm,Development of anatmospheric-pressure homogeneous and cold Ar/O⑵ plasma source operating inglow discharge,Phys. Plasmas 17,063506 (2010).

98. Jizhong Sun,Shouyang Li,Thomas Stirner,Junlin Chen,andDezhen Wang,Moleculardynamics simulation of energy exchanges during hydrogen collision with graphitesheets. J. Appl. Phys. 107,113533 (2010).

97. Qi Wang,Jizhong Sun,Jianhong Zhang,Zhenfeng Ding,and DezhenWang,Numericalsimulation of atmospheric-pressure helium discharge driven by combined radiofrequency and trapezoidal pulse sources,Phys. Plasmas 17,053506 (2010).

96. Liying Liu,Jialiang Zhang,Qingchao Guo,Dezhen Wang,Diagnosticsof the atmospheric pressure plasma jets for plasma enhanced chemical vapordeposition of polycrystalline silicon thin film,Acta Physica Sinica,58⑷2653 (2010).

95. Zhuang Juan,Shang Wanli,Liu Liying and Wang Dezhen,Numerical Simulation ofHydrogen Dilution Effects on Deposition of Silicon Film at Atmospheric PressureRadio-Frequency Argon Silane Plasma,Plasma Sci. Technol.1271 (2010).

94. Shou-Zhe Li,Wen-Tong Huang,and Dezhen Wang,Spectroscopic study of along high-electron-density argon plasma column generated at atmosphericpressure,Phys. Plasmas 17,020702 (2010).

93. Chaofeng Sang,Jizhong Sun and Dezhen Wang*,Large amplitude ofelectrostatic waves associated with magnetic field in divertor plasmas,Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 52,042001(2010)

92. Muyang Qian,Chunsheng Ren,Dezhen Wang*,Jialiang Zhang andGuodong Wei,Stark broadeningmeasurement of the electron density in an atmospheric pressure argon plasma jetwith double-power electrodes,J. Appl. Phys. 107,063303 (2010)

91. Chaofeng Sang,Jizhong Sun,Dezhen Wang*,Plasma densityenhancement in atmospheric-pressure dielectric-barrier discharges byhigh-voltage nanosecond pulse in the pulse-on period: a PIC simulation,Journal of Physics D:Applied Physics 43,045202(2010)

90. Yan Feng,Chun-Sheng Ren,Qiu-Yue Nie and De-Zhen Wang*,“Study on the self-organizedpatterns in an atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge plasma jet”,IEEE Trans. Plasma Science,Volume: 38,Issue:5,1061 - 1065 (2010)

89. Z Cao,Q Nie,D L Bayliss,J L Walsh,C S Ren,D Z Wang and M GKong,SpatiallyExtended Atmospheric Plasma Arrays,Plasma Sources Sciences &Technology 19,025003 (2010)

88. Jiao Zhang,Yanhui Wang,and Dezhen Wang,Numerical study of periodmultiplication and chaotic phenomena in an atmospheric radio-frequencydischarge,Phys. Plasmas 17,043507 (2010).

87. Lv Xiaogui,Ren Chunsheng,Ma Tengcai,Zhu Hailong and WangDezhen,The Effect of theQuartz Tube on the Appearance of Nanosecond Pulsed Discharge in Air,PlasmaSci. Technol.12177 (2010).

86. Liu Cheng-Sen,Han Hong-Ying,Peng Xiao-Qing,Chang Ye and WangDe-Zhen,Two-dimensionalparticle-in-cell plasma source ion implantation of a prolate spheroid target,ChinesePhys. B19035201 (2010).

85. Q Y Nie,Z Cao,C S Ren,D Z Wang and M G Kong,A two-dimensional coldatmospheric plasma jet array for uniform treatment of large-area surfaces forplasma medicine,New Journal of Physics 11,115015 (2009)

84. Liu Liying,Zhang Jialiang,and Wang Dezhen*,An indirect method formeasuring electron density of atmospheric pressure plasma jets,PlasmaScience and Technology 11⑹,693(2009)

83. Yanhui Wang,Hong Shi,Jizhong Sun,and Dezhen Wang*,Period-two dischargecharacteristics in argon atmospheric dielectric-barrier discharges,Physicsof Plasmas 16,063507(2009)

82. Shi Feng,Zhang Lili,Wang Dezhen*,Numerical simulation ofsuper-short pulsed discharge in helium with particle-in-cell Monte Carlocollisions technique,Chinese Physics B 18⑶,1177(2009)

81. Wang Zhan,Ren Chunsheng,Nie Qiuyue,Wang Dezhen,Effects of airflows ondielectric barrier discharge in air at atmospheric pressure,Plasma Scienceand Technology 11⑵,177(2009)

80. Qi Wang,Jizhong Sun,and Dezhen Wang*,Numerical analysis oftwo homogeneous discharge modes at atmospheric pressure with a self-consistentmodel,Physics of Plasmas 16,043503(2009)

79. Shou-Zhe Li,Wen-Tong Huang,Jialiang Zhang,Dezhen Wang,Optical diagnosis of anargon/oxygen needle plasma generated at atmospheric pressure,AppliedPhysics Letters 94,111501(2009)

78. Chaofeng Sang,Jizhong Sun,Chunsheng Ren,and Dezhen Wang*,Characteristics ofnanosecond pulse needle-to-plane discharges at high pressure: aparticle-in-cell Monte Carlo collision simulation,Journal of AppliedPhysics 105,043305(2009)

77. Shou-The Li,Wen-Tong Huang,Jialiang Zhang,and Dezhen Wang,Discharge characteristicsof an atmospheric-pressure argon plasma column generated with asingle-electrode configuration,Physics of Plasmas 16,073503(2009)

76. Shou-The Li,Wen-Tong Huang,and Dezhen Wang,The effect of gas flow onargon plasma discharge generated with a single-electrode configuration atatmospheric pressure. Physics of Plasmas 16,093501(2009)

75. Shou-The Li,Wen-Tong Huang,and Dezhen Wang,An atmospheric-pressurehelium plasma jet induced by an atmospheric-pressure argon plasma discharge ina single-electrode configuration,IEEE Tran. Plasma Sci. 37⑼,1825(2009)

74. Yan Zhang,Biao Gu,Wenchun Wang,Dezhen Wang,and Xuwen Peng,Dynamics behavior ofhomogeneous dielectric barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure,J. Appl.Phys. 106,023307 (2009).

73. P. Yang,C.S. Ren,D.Z. Wang,X.L. Qi,S.H. Guo,T.C. Ma,Influence of additionalmagnetic field on plasma parameters in magnetron sputtering,Vacuum,83,1376-1381 (2009).

72. Chengsen Liu, HeLiu; Du Li,Dezhen Wang,Interior Surface PlasmaImmersion Ion Implantation of a Small Cylindrical Bore Using a NoncoaxialParallel Auxiliary Electrode,IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci.,37 ⑺,1123– 1126.

71. Tang Daotan,Ren Chunsheng,Wang Dezhen and Nie Qiuyue,The Interactions of Two ColdAtmospheric Plasma Jets,Plasma Sci. Technol. 11 293 (2009).

70. Guofu Li,Haiyun Yu,Liping Duo,Jian Wang,Yuqi Jin,FengtingSang,Dezhen Wang,Areal-time on-line measurement of iodine flow rate based on absorptionspectroscopy,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,138⑵,428-431 (2009).

69. Yan Zhang,Biao Gu,Wenchun Wang,Dezhen Wang,Xuwen Peng,Experimental investigationon large-area dielectric barrier discharge in atmospheric nitrogen and airassisted by the ultraviolet lamp,Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular andBiomolecular Spectroscopy,Volume 72,Issue 3,April 2009,Pages 460-464.

68. Shi Hong,Wang Yanhui,and Wang Dezhen*,Nonlinear behavior in thetime domain in argon atmospheric dielectric-barrier discharges,Physics of Plasmas 15,122306(2008)

67. Sun Jizhong,Wang Qi,Zhang Jianhong,Wang Yanhui,and WangDezhen*,Self-ConsistentModel for Atmospheric Pressure Dielectric Barrier Discharges in Helium,Chinese Physics Letters 25⑾,4054(2008)

66. Feng Shi,Dezhen Wang*,and Chunsheng Ren,Simulations ofatmospheric pressure discharge in a high-voltage nanosecond pulse using PIC-MCCmodel in noble gases,Physics of Plasmas 15,063503(2008)

65. Wanli Shang,Dezhen Wang*,and Yuantao Zhang,Radio-frequencyatmospheric pressure glow discharge in and modes between two coaxial electrodes,Physics of Plasmas 15,093503(2008)

64. Qiuyue Nie,Chunsheng Ren,Dezhen Wang*,Jialiang Zhang,A simple cold Ar plasmajet generated with a floating electrode at atmospheric pressure,AppliedPhysics Letters 93,011503(2008)

63. Shu Yi Miao,Chun Sheng Ren,Dezhen Wang,Yu Tao Zhang,Bing Qi,and You Nian Wang,ConicalDC discharge in ambient air using water as an electrode,IEEE Trans. PlasmaSci.,36⑴,126(2008)

62. Wu Jing,Zhang Pengyun,Sun Jizhong,Zhang Jiang,Ding Zhenfeng,and Wang Dezhen*,Experimentalstudy on parameters of dust plasma in SiH4/C2H4/Ar discharges,ChinesePhysics B 17⑸,1848(2008)

61. C.-S. Ren,K. Wang,Q.-Y. Nie,D.-Z. Wang,S.-H. Guo,Surface modification ofPE film by DBD plasma in air,Applied Surface Science,Volume 255,Issue 5,Part 2,30 December 2008,Pages 3421-3425.

60. Ren Chunsheng,Wang Dezhen and Wang Younian,Grafting Silane ontoSilicate Glass Surface Treated by DBD in Air,Plasma Sci. Technol. 10,556(2008).

59. C.S. Ren,D.Z. Wang,J. Zhang,X.L. Qi,Y.N. Wang,The effect of externalcusp magnetic field on Ar ICP characteristics,Vacuum,Volume 83,Issue 2,26 September 2008,Pages 423-426.

58. Jianhong Zhang,Jizhong Sun,Ye Gong,Dezhen Wang,Tengcai Ma,Yue Liu,A scheme forsolving strongly coupled chemical reaction equations appearing in the removalof SO2 and NOx from flue gases,Vacuum,Volume 83,Issue 1,4 September2008,Pages 133-137

57. Yan Zhang,Biao Gu,Xuwen Peng,Dezhen Wang,Wenchun Wang,Multiple current peaks andmode conversion of atmospheric pressure glow dielectric barrier discharge inhelium,Thin Solid Films Volume 516,Issue 21,1 September 2008,Pages7547-7554.

56. Qi Bing,Huang Jian-Jun,Zhang Zhe-Huang and Wang De-Zhen,Observation of periodicmultiplication and chaotic phenomena in atmospheric cold plasma jets,ChinesePhys. Lett.253323 (2008).

55. Wang Kun,Li Jian,Ren Chunsheng,Wang Dezhen and Wang Younian,Surface modification ofpolyethylene (PE) films using dielectric barrier discharge plasma atatmospheric pressure,Plasma Sci. Technol. 10,433 (2008).

54. Shu Yi Miao; Chun ShengRen; De Zhen Wang; Yu Tao Zhang; Bing Qi;You Nian Wang;Conical DC discharge inambient air using water as an electrode,IEEE Tran. Plasma Sci. 36⑴,126(2008).

53. Qiuyue Nie,Chunsheng Ren,Dezhen Wang*,Shouzhe Li,JialiangZhang,M.G.Kong,Self-organizedpattern formation of an atmospheric pressure plasma jet in a dielectric barrierdischarge configuration,Applied Physics Letters 90,221504(2007)

52. Shang Wanli,Wang Dezhen*,Concentric-Ring Patterns ina Helium Dielectric Barrier Discharge at Atmospheric Pressure,ChinesePhysics Letters 24⑺,1992(2007)

51. Yanhui Wang,Yuantao Zhang,Dezhen Wang*,M.G.Kong,Period multiplication andchaotic phenomena in atmospheric dielectric-barrier glow discharges,Applied Physics Letters 90,071501(2007)

50.Wanli Shang,Dezhen Wang*,M.G. Kong,Simulation ofradio-frequency atmospheric pressure glow discharge in γ mode,ChinesePhysics 16⑵,0485(2007)

49. Zhang Hongyan,Wang Dezhen*,Wang Xiaogang,Numerical studies ofatmospheric pressure glow discharge controlled by a dielectric barrier betweentwo coaxial electrodes,Chinese Physics 16⑷,1089(2007).

48. Zhang Yutao,Ren Chunsheng,Xu Zhenfeng,Ma Tengcai,Qi Bing,Wang Dezhen and Wang Younian,Transition from sparkdischarge to constricted glow discharge in atmospheric air by capacitor coupleddischarge,Plasma Sci. Technol.9591 (2007).

47. Xiao-Qiong Wen,Li-Yong Yin,De-Zhen Wang,A direct current glowdischarge plasma source for inner surface modification of metallic tube,NuclearInstruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions withMaterials and Atoms,Volume 263,Issue 2,October 2007,Pages 535-537

46. Shouzhe Li,Dezhen Wang,Wenchao Zhu,and Yikang Pu,Evaluations of electron densityand temperature in atmospheric pressure radio frequency helium plasma jet,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 45⑿,9213 (2006)

45. Zhang J.L,Sun J,Wang D.Z and Wang X.G,A novel cold plasma jetgenerated by capillary atmospheric DBD discharge,Thin Solid Film,Vol 506-507,p 404,2006.

44.H. Yu,S.Perni,J.J.Shi,D.Z.Wang,M.G.Kong,and G.Shama,Effectsof cell surface loading and phase of growth in cold atmospheric gas plasmainactivation of Escherichia coli K12,Journal of Applied Microbiology ISSN1364-5072,1323(2006)

43. Qi Bing,Ren Chunsheng,Wang Dezhen*,Li Shouzhe,Wang Kun,andZhang Yutao,Uniformglowlike plasma source assisted by preionization of spark in ambient air atatmospheric pressure,Applied Physics Letters 89,131503(2006)

42. Zhang Yuantao,Wang Dezhen*,and M. G. Kong,Complex dynamic behaviorsof nonequilibrium atmospheric dielectric-barrier discharges,Journal ofApplied Physics 100,063304(2006)

41. Wang Yanhui,Wang Dezhen*,The role of metastable atomsin a homogeneous atmospheric pressure barrier discharge in helium,PlasmaScience and Technology 8⑸,539 (2006)

40. Wang Dezhen*,Wang Yanhui,and Liu Chengsen,Multipeak behavior and modetransition of a homogeneous barrier discharge in atmospheric pressure helium,Thin Solid Films 506-507,384(2006)

39. Wang Wenchun,Wang Su,Liu Feng,Zheng Wei,Wang Dezhen,Optical study of OH radicalin a wire-plate pulsed corona discharge,Spectrochimica Acta Part A 63,477(2006).

38. C.S. Ren,D.Z. Wang,Y.N. Wang,Graft co-polymerizationof acrylic acid onto the linen surface induced by DBD in air,Surface andCoatings Technology,Volume 201,Issue 6,4 December 2006,Pages 2867-2870.

37. H. Yu,S. Perni,J.J. Shi,D.Z. Wang,M.G. Kong,G. Shama,Effectsof cell surface loading and phase of growth in cold atmospheric gas plasmainactivation of Escherichia coli K12,Journal of Applied Microbiology,Volume101,Issue 6,pages 1323–1330,December 2006.

36. Zhang Yuantao,Wang Dezhen*,and M. G. Kong,Two-dimensionalsimulation of a low-current dielectric barrier discharge in atmospheric helium,J. Appl. Phys. 98,113308 (2005)

35. Zhang Yuantao,Wang Dezhen*,and Wang Yanhui,Two-dimensional numericalsimulation of the splitting and uniting of current-carrying zones in adielectric barrier discharge,Physics of Plasmas 12,103508 (2005)

34. Shi Pingao and Wang Dezhen*,Numerical simulation ofpulsed corona discharge with dust particles at atmospheric pressure,Physics of Plasmas 12,043505 (2005)

33. Wang Yanhui and Wang Dezhen*,Influence of impuritieson the uniform atmospheric pressure discharge in helium,Physics of Plasmas12,023503 (2005)

32. Liu Chengsen,Wang Dezhen*,Self-consistentmodel for pulsed direct-current N2 glow discharge,Plasma Science &Technology,7⑵,2745(2005)

31. Zhang Yuantao,Wang Dezhen*,Wang Yanhui,and Liu Chengsen,Radial evolution of theatmospheric pressure glow discharge in helium controlled by dielectric barrier,Chinese Physics Letters Vol.22,No.1,171(2005)

30. Liu Chengsen,Wang Yanhui,and Wang Dezhen*,Two-dimensional temperaturedistribution inside a hemispherical bowl-shaped target for plasma source ionimplantation,Chinese Physics Vol.14,No.1,163(2005)

29. Yu,H; Xiu,ZL; Ren,CS; Zhang,JL; Wang,DZ; Wang,YN; Ma,TC,Inactivation ofyeast by dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma in helium at atmosphericpressure,IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,33 ⑷: 1405-1409 (2005)

28. Gong,Y; Wang,XG; Duan,P; Yu,J; Wang,DZ,Numerical studies ofcollisionless and collisional sheath evolution in plasma source ionimplantations,PHYSICS OF PLASMAS,12 ⑷,043501 (2005)

27. Ren,CS; Ma,TC; Wang,DZ; Wang,WC; Zhang,JL; Wang,YN,Stable and diffuse atmosphericpressure glow plasma in a multipoint-to-plane configuration in air,IEEETRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE,33 ⑴: 210-211 (2005)

26. Lin,GQ; Zhao,YH; Guo,HM; Wang,DZ; Dong,C; Huang,RF; Wen,LS,Experiments and theoreticalexplanation of droplet elimination phenomenon in pulsed-bias arc deposition,JOURNAL OF VACUUM SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY A,22 ⑷: 1218-1222 (2004)

25. Wang Yanhui,Wang Dezhen*,Modes of homogeneousbarrier discharge at atmospheric pressure in helium,Chinese PhysicsLetters Vol.21,No.11,2234(2004)

24. Wang Dezhen* and Sheng Mingyu,Effects of the trappingdust particles on the sheath structure in radio-frequency discharges,J. Appl.Phys. 94⑶,1368(2003)

23. Liu Chengsen and Wang Dezhen*,Ion dynamics of pulsedplasma source ion implantation in the sheath of a hemispherical bowl-shapedtarget,Surface and Coatings Technology 171,119(2003)

22. Wang Dezhen* and Wu Hongtao,Analysis of dusty plasma inthe positive column of glow discharges,Chinese Physics 11⑻,799(2002)

21. Liu Chengsen and Wang Dezhen*,Monte Carlo simulation of ionsinside a cylindrical bore for plasma source ion implantation,J. Appl.Phys. 91⑴,32(2002)

20. Sun Jizhong,Stirner T,Wang Dezhen,A kinetic study of ozone andnitric oxides in dielectric barrier discharges for O2/NOx mixtures,Plasmascience & technology,Vol.4,No.1,Jan. 2002

19. Wang Dezhen,Wang Xiaogang,Spatial distributions oftrapped microparticles in a plasma sheath,J. Appl. Phys. 89⑺,3602(2001)

18. Liu Deyong,Wang Dezhen*,Wang Xiaogang,and Liu Jinyuan,Charging effects ontemporal and spatial evolution of the dusty plasma sheath in plasma source ion implantation,Physics of Plasmas,8⑷,1427(2001)

17. Wang Dezhen*,Liu Jinyuan,and Ma Tengcai,Effects of dust chargingassociated with an electron beam in the cathode sheath of glow discharges,Physics of Plasmas 7⑶,1053 (2000)

16. Wang Dezhen*,Liu Deyong,and Liu Jinyuan,Dust charging andlevitating in cathode sheath of glow discharges with energetic electron beam,J. Appl. Phys. 88⑶,1276 (2000)

15. Jinyuan Liu,Dezhen Wang,The charged dusts inprocessing plasma sheath,Vacuum 59,126 (2000)

14. Wang Dezhen*,A theoretical model forneutral velocity distributions at a planar target in plasma source ionimplantation,J. Appl. Phys. 85⑻,3949(1999)

13. Wang Dezhen*,Deng Xinlu,and Ma Tengcai,An analytic model forenergy distributions of neutrals striking a planar cathode at low pressure glowdischarges,Thin Solid Films 345,182(1999)

12. Liu Jinyuan,Wang Dezhen,et al,The trap of particles inplasma sheath,Physics of Plasmas 6⑸,1405(1999)

11. Wang Dezhen*,Dong J.Q.,and S.M. Mahajan,A kinetic model for lowpressure glow discharges in the presence of dust particles,J. Phys. D:Appl. Phys. 30⑴,113(1997)

10. Wang Dezhen* and Dong J. Q.,Kinetics of low pressure RFdischarges with dust particles,J. Appl. Phys. 81⑴,38(1997)

9. Wang Dezhen,Yu Jong,and Gong Ye,Model of collisional sheathin spherical and cylindrical geometries for plasma source ion implantation,Chinese Phys. Lett. 13⑵,117(1996)

8. Wang Dezhen and Ma Tengcai,Dynamics of collisionalsheaths for spherical and cylindrical electrodes,Chinese Phys. Lett. 11⑿,744(1994)

7. Wang Dezhen and Ma Tengcai,Energy and angledistributions of ions striking a spherical target in plasma source ionimplantation,J.Appl.Phys.75⑶,1335(1994)

6. Sun Jizong,Gong Ye,and Wang Dezhen,Monte Carlo simulation ofelectrons in the cathode region of a glow discharge in argon,J. Phys. D:Appl. Phys. 26⑶,436(1993)

5. Wang Dezhen,Ma Tengcai,and Deng Xinlu,Model of collisional sheathevolution in plasma source ion implantation,J. Appl. Phys. 74⑷,2986 (1993).

4. Wang Dezhen,Ma Tengcai,and Gong Ye,A Monte Carlo simulationmodel for plasma source ion implantation,J. Appl. Phys. 73⑼,4171(1993)

3. Wang Dezhen,Ma Tengcai,and Guo Baoha,Electron energydistribution and kinetic temperature in high-frequency argon discharges,J.Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 26⑴,62(1993)

2. Deng Xinlu,Wang Yanping,Xu Zhenfeng,Wang Dezhen,et al,Computer controlledplasma source ion nitriding,Thin Solid Films 345,104(1999)

1. Dezhen Wang and Tengcai Ma,Electron energydistributions and transport parameters of direct-current argon discharges atlow pressures,J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 24,1367(1991)


1.王德真,马腾才, 重粒子在阴极鞘层中输运的理论模型, 物理学报, 第49卷,第12期,2405(2000)



4.刘成森,王德真,空心圆管端点附近等离子体源离子注入过程中鞘层的时空演化, 物理学报,第52卷,第1期,109(2003)

5.王艳辉,王德真,大气压下多脉冲均匀介质阻挡放电研究, 物理学报,第54卷,第3期,1295(2005)


1.被辽宁省政府评为"辽宁省青年先进科技工作者 1995年 10月

2.”低温等离子体中基本物理过程的研究“获 辽宁省教委科技进步一等奖1996年10月

3.获大连市政府特殊津贴 1999年12月

4.”低温等离子体鞘层及与物质相互作用研究“ 获辽宁省自然科学二等奖2001年10月

5.获国务院政府特殊津贴 2002年6月

6.辽宁省学科拔尖人才 2003年

7.大连市第四批优秀专家 2007年3月

8.获大连五一奖章 2009年4月

9.获大连市劳动模范 2010年4月

10.获教育部自然科学奖二等奖,获奖题目“大气压介质阻挡均匀放电研究”,第二完成人 2013年1月

本文标签: 王德真





